
Fees and Payment

The fees listed below cover all group teaching, concerts and activities at the Summer School. Please note that the fee does not include meals. Accommodation options, booking and payment are to be found on the accommodation page.

ESS Members€275

Non-ESS Members€310

Students must attach a valid student card and be full-time students.
Students under 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.

Student ESS Members€225

Student Non-ESS Members€275

Student Day Pass€80

Day Pass
The day pass will be available at the venue each morning and does not need to be paid in advance. A registration form is required in advance so course materials can be accessed.

Day Pass – €85

DUBLIN ONLINE– The 2023 ESS Summer School Online Package

The Dublin 2023 online package provides live-streams to give access to teaching sessions, talks, concerts and special classes on technique and features a variety of teachers from the Dublin Summer School. The package also includes a live stream of the Teachers’ and Gala concerts. Additionally the online participants will also have access to all the Summer School study materials (scores, mp3, etc.).

Dublin Online live-stream daily from 10:00 BST (GMT+1)

Dates: 20 – 23 July via ZOOM

Full schedule and fees: https://dublin2023.shakuhachisociety.eu/online-dublin/

Booking open for another two weeks.

Online Package ESS Members – €100

Online Package non-ESS Members – €150

Not an ESS member yet?

ESS Membership costs only €20 per year and will allow a significant discount on the summer school fees. Other benefits include exclusive access to the ESS Members Area (which contains regularly updated high quality content) and other discounts. If you are not already an ESS member, please visit the ESS membership page and consider joining.

ESS Membership info: shakuhachisociety.eu/about-the-ess/ess-membership/

Please contact us if you need to apply for a concession due to financial disadvantage.

Registration & Payment Process

1. Download the registration form, fill it in and email to essdublin2023@gmail.com
(or a hard copy to Philip Horan, 74 Oak Road, Donnycarney, D09 H2R4, Ireland).

[registration form PDF] (Registration is not necessary for the Online Package)

2. Pay the FULL fee. (PayPal link below or Bank transfer)

3. The Dublin 2023 team will send a confirmation email as soon as possible.

The preferred method of payment is PAYPAL

Use the link below to the main ESS website where you can complete PayPal payment.


If you are unable to use PAYPAL, please pay via bank transfer to the ESS bank account below.
Please use “Dublin 2023” as a payment reference.




IBAN: FR76 1751 5900 0008 0166 7119 173

Note: Any fees related to bank transfers must be paid by the participants; if such fees are nevertheless charged to ESS, they must be reimbursed to ESS in cash during registration at the event.

Shakuhachi Making Workshop / Cost

Places are limited for the ji-nashi shakuhachi making workshop so early registration is advised. There are extra expenses for the purchase of bamboo which must be paid on the opening morning of the summer school. Japanese madake costs around €120 but price will depend on availability and the piece of bamboo chosen.


Cancellations requested before 1st July will receive a refund of the paid fee, less the cancellation fee of €50, via bank transfer from the ESS. Unfortunately, we will not be able to refund fees for cancellations requested on or after 1st July.